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Oxygen Index Testing As per standard ASTM D2863

Oxygen Index Testing According to ASTM D2863


Oxygen Index Testing, as outlined in ASTM D2863, is a critical test method used to determine the relative flammability of materials, especially plastics. The test is used to measure the minimum concentration of oxygen, expressed as a percentage, required to support the combustion of a test specimen. This is particularly important in industries where flame retardancy is a priority, such as aerospace, construction, and electronics.

Oxygen Index Testing As per standard ASTM D2863

What is ASTM D2863?

ASTM D2863, officially titled “Standard Test Method for Measuring the Minimum Oxygen Concentration to Support Candle-Like Combustion of Plastics (Oxygen Index),” is a well-established standard used to evaluate how easily a material can be ignited and sustained in a flame. The test is frequently referred to as the “Oxygen Index” or “Limiting Oxygen Index” (LOI) test.

Test Overview:

Oxygen Index Testing evaluates the combustion properties of a material by subjecting it to a controlled flow of oxygen and nitrogen in a vertical chamber. The test specimen is ignited from the top, and the mixture of gases is adjusted to determine the minimum oxygen concentration that will just sustain combustion. This provides valuable information about the material’s fire behavior and helps classify its flammability level.

Key Terminology:

  • Oxygen Index (OI): The percentage of oxygen in the gas mixture that is just sufficient to support the combustion of the test specimen.
  • LOI Value: Materials with a higher LOI value are less flammable, as they require a higher concentration of oxygen to burn.

Test Apparatus and Procedure:

The apparatus used for the ASTM D2863 test consists of a vertical glass column where the material sample is placed. Controlled amounts of nitrogen and oxygen are flowed through the column, and the sample is ignited at the top.

  1. Sample Preparation: The test specimen is cut into standardized shapes (typically thin strips).
  2. Gas Flow Adjustment: A mixture of nitrogen and oxygen is introduced into the chamber. The concentration of oxygen is gradually reduced until the sample fails to sustain combustion.
  3. Combustion Observation: The technician observes whether the flame propagates down the length of the specimen or self-extinguishes. The oxygen concentration at which the sample continues to burn or extinguishes is recorded.
  4. Result Calculation: The final Oxygen Index (OI) is calculated based on the oxygen concentration percentage that allows combustion to be just sustained.

Applications of Oxygen Index Testing:

This test is used across a variety of industries where material flammability is a concern:

  • Aerospace: To ensure materials used in aircraft are less flammable, enhancing passenger safety.
  • Construction: For testing building materials to ensure compliance with fire safety regulations.
  • Electronics: Ensuring that plastic components in electronic devices are flame-retardant, reducing the risk of fire during device operation.

Interpreting the Results:

  • High LOI Value (>30%): Indicates a highly flame-retardant material that requires a large oxygen concentration to burn.
  • Moderate LOI Value (20-30%): Indicates a moderately flame-resistant material.
  • Low LOI Value (<20%): Indicates a material that can easily ignite and sustain combustion, making it unsuitable for applications requiring flame retardancy.
Oxygen Index Testing As per standard ASTM D2863


Oxygen Index Testing as per ASTM D2863 provides essential data for material selection, especially when flame resistance is a key requirement. Industries such as aerospace, construction, and electronics rely on this standard to ensure materials meet fire safety standards. Testing through this method helps manufacturers ensure compliance with regulatory guidelines and create safer products.


1. What is Oxygen Index Testing?

Oxygen Index Testing measures the minimum concentration of oxygen required to sustain combustion in a material. It is a critical test used to assess the flammability of materials, especially plastics.

2. What does ASTM D2863 cover?

ASTM D2863 is the standard that outlines the procedure for Oxygen Index Testing. It defines the method for determining the minimum oxygen concentration to support the combustion of materials.

3. What is the Limiting Oxygen Index (LOI)?

The Limiting Oxygen Index (LOI) is the percentage of oxygen in a nitrogen-oxygen mixture required to sustain combustion. Materials with higher LOI values are more flame-resistant.

4. Why is Oxygen Index Testing important?

Oxygen Index Testing is essential for evaluating the fire resistance of materials used in industries such as aerospace, automotive, construction, and electronics, ensuring compliance with safety standards.
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